Why shouldn't you sweep the floor at night? (Logical Reason)

We shouldn't sweep after sunset because in ancient times when there was no electricity, the light of a lamp was not enough.... Click the link below


Why shouldn't you sweep the floor at night?

It's a big belief in Indian culture that if you sweep in the evening then Goddess Laxmi or prosperity will be out from the house and inviting poverty.

But the reality for this is in ancient times when there was no electricity, the light of a lamp was not enough creating chances for ornaments and precious items to be swept away. In India money, ornaments, or any precious thing is considered as GODDESS LAXMI. That is why it is said that "If we will sweep in the evening then the Goddess Laxmi (precious thing) will be out from the house."

Why Is Pregnant Woman Not Allowed To Go Out During Eclipse?

Why shouldn't you sweep the floor at night?

It is believed that a pregnant woman with an unborn child in her womb shouldn't allow to go out as the sun was swallowed by a demon and can affect the unborn child badly.

But the reality one must avoid going out during the eclipse to keep away from the harmful UV rays. Depending on the stage of fetal development, the health consequences of exposure at doses greater than 0.5 Gy(gamma radiation unit) can be severe, even if such a dose is too low to cause an immediate effect for the mother. The health consequences can include growth restriction, malformations, impaired brain function, and cancer.

Like this many superstitions are followed blindly by us. But, why do we not ask questions against them? Many questions can be asked against these superstitions like: Why do we treat Tulsi plant as Goddess Lakshmi?Why we should not sleep our head facing north ⬆?Why do people hang lemon and green chilies in shops and vehicles?What will happen if a black cat crosses your path?

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